2022年01月01日(土) 15:27
日本発信四方山話, 神奈川- KEEP LEARNING MIZUHIKI IN 2022!
- Mizuhiki is a Japanese decorative cord made from twisted paper and used for tying the paper that is wrapped around gifts. The beginning of a year is the best timing to materialize the outcomes of lessons. I have some decorations made of Mizuhiki at home to celebrate the new year. I created a coming-of-age gift for my niece with Mizuhiki, and she was not able to believe they're done by me as they're pretty well done. The small bags with simple, but rather difficult way of tying Mizuhiki are new year gifts for my small niece and nephew who are coming tomorrow. I don't think they like the character on the bag, or the Mizuhiki decoration, but never mind, I keep going my way, and I swear to keep learning Mizuhiki this year.