福住宿場町ホテル NIPPONIA
2023年03月09日(木) 10:48
UXいろいろ, 日本発信四方山話, 兵庫, 泊まるコトコロ, 食べるモノコト- NIPPONIA FUKUZUMI, ANOTHER RENOVATED HOTEL
- Fukuzumi, a small local town in Hyogo Prefecture, used to be a post station in Edo period, and there are still many old folk houses which could have been renovated as such. Nipponia brand has its another hotel there, and I used my business trip opportunity to Kobe and stayed a night at this hotel. The building was owned by a wholesaler of oil, and the room we stayed seemed to be used as a guest room which meant the interior decorations were gorgeous, though the stone floor in the bathroom was a bad choice as it's too cold in the winter. You can also find the warning board with a cute old lady drawn to remind drivers that not only children but also old people tend to come out incautiously in this town.
2月のはじめ、神戸出張のついでに前入りして、兵庫県にある福住宿場町ホテル NIPPONIAに泊まりました。