2021年08月05日(木) 11:43
日本発信四方山話, 東京- TAKAO 599 MUSEUM
- This beautiful museum is located at the foot of Mt.Takao, but not on the shortest route from the station to the starting point, that may be why it's not so crowded. It offers, however, a great collection of zoological and botanical specimen. The "Nature Wall" with stuffed specimens surrounding a big beech tree is used to tell the changing seasons of the mountain, which is well done. Some spaces for kids are also well designed, so this could be a great destination even for a family with small kids.


動植物の標本展示 NATURE COLLECTION がとてもキレイでした。

高尾山を象徴する大きなブナの木のまわりに、山に棲む動物たちの剥製や木彫りを配置したNATURE WALL。

