東北新幹線の改札 その1

2014年09月01日(月) 15:53

UXいろいろ, 日本発信四方山話, 東京, サインやUIの話, ヒトについて, モノ+コトの話

JR GATE FOR TOHOKU SHINKANSEN 1: Since JR (Japan Railways) introduced IC cards, the gate for Shinkansen (bullet train) has needed to take care of a combination of traditional paper ticket and IC card ticket. Passengers feel that they need to pay for fares up to the current station first by touching the IC card to the reader on the gate, and to insert the paper ticket for Shinkansen to the slot next. As the Shinkansen ticket, however, include fares from any station in a certain area of Tokyo, the gate needs to receive the paper Shinkansen ticket first to avoid receiving duplicate payments. The gate was not unfortunately designed to tell the system and procedure, but the gate staff from JR East added the notes as the picture shows, which should have helped both the passengers and gate staffs, and I’m very much curious to know how much helpful it has turned out to be.



[1] 東京駅の東北新幹線改札 [2] 順番を示す後付け情報


